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My mother used to read me a story with something about Kalamazoo and I think Tweety Bird, but not sure about Tweety. I had this book memorized and would let her know if she tried to skip pages. I would really love to be able to find this book and am hoping that someone may remember it, but not sure if it is a LGB, but think it was. Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Registered: 10/18/04
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Tell-A-Tale Book TWEETY.

No Author given credit by Warner Bros.
copyright: 1953

The first line is:
In a very small city near Kalamazoo.

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

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Registered: 01/27/04
Posts: 165
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Thank you very much for the information. You wouldn't happen to know where I might be able to find it? I have been checking on the internet but cannot locate one.

Thank you.

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I have been looking for that same book. My mother has it memorized from reading it to my brother. He would sit in the floor and turn the pages. She would love to have the book again. If I find anything on it I will let you know.

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I'm looking for the same book....my mom also has most of it memorized from reading it to me. I don't think its a little golden book, however, I think its a Warner.

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I clicked on the ebay logo and typed in tweety tell a tale and found four books for sale......please research this item.

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Just found this thread, looking up something else!
Although I don't think it's the book you're talking about, I'm quite sure there WAS a Little Golden Book referring to Kalamazoo. It was a book about a train ride, and it was largely, if not entirely, in sing-song verse--which my mother was very skilled in reading to us. It imagined a train trip from Kalamazoo to Timbuktu. Of course, in those days I had no idea that 1) both places are real, and 2) it's not possible to get from one to the other by train, as Kalamazoo is in Michigan and Timbuktu is in Mali. But 50 years later, I can still remember:

From Kalamazoo to Timbuktu,
to Timbuktu and back,
It's a long, long way,
a long, long way,
a long way down the track.

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Your looking for the Little Golden book, The Train to Timbuctoo, If you owned in early 50's it had 28 pages else 24 pages.

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

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Registered: 01/27/04
Posts: 165
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I have this book you're talking about. I'm 54 & got it as a child in England.I've been reading it to my grandson who is 4. I don't want to give it away but would love to have another copy. It IS NOT a golden book. It's just called Tweety. Starts out "In a very small city newar Kalamazoo, was a twisty curly avenue, and right on the corner acrross from the zoo., the biggest oak tree in the countryside grew. (etc.)
pictures by Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc.
adapted by Fred Abranz and Don MacLaughlin

copyright MCMLIII by Warner Bros. Picture inc.
by arrangement with Western Printing & Lithiographing Co.. Racine, Wisconsin U.S.A.
printed in England by Jarrold and Sames Ltd. Norwich

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I'm so happy to have found this thread! I've searched for this book for years. Smile

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