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...Sadly, I can't remember the title. The story features a youth peering from a balcony, dressed in a nightgown and sleeping cap, who doesn't want to go to bed because it's still "light outside". And it's not even the story so much, as the unique and whimsical art that has left an indelible impression with me. I must have been 10 or 11 the last time I saw the book (back in 1979 or '80). The copy that my sister and I had read in our youth had been a hand-me-down. It was dog-eared and well-loved book, kept at out grandparents house along with other wonderful story books, but all were 'lost' after my grandfather passed away and the house was sold. I suspect it may have been printed sometime between the late 1950's and the early 1970's. I have never seen a copy in any used book store, flea market or even online. I hope someone can help me in my quest.

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