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By: Likes:
  (Read 4367 times)  

Please help if you can. When I was young, I had (I Think) a Golden Book that had a talking and driving Red Sedan that drove through a town and all of the other cars talked to him. It might have been about all of the cars, there were trucks and a car got stuck and a tow truck pulled the car out - any idea what this was???


Thank you

By: Likes:

I believe your book may be called "Cars and Trucks" I will e-mail you with a picture so you can check it out. There is a little red car, but it doesn´t talk. Everything else seems right though, with the other vehicles and the tow truck.

By: Likes:

There is also a Bonnie book that has a plastic red car on the cover which comes off and is used in the book. I am not familiar with the story inside.

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