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Hello, this is my first post on this forum. My name is Donna and i am a 19 year old college student. I hope someone here can help me on my rather futile search, but as you may imagine i am looking for a particular little golden book that had a great amount of meaning to me in childhood. Perhaps i was just an odd child, perhaps i just had an ear for interesting literature but my most loved bedtimes story was the owl and the pussycat. Now i, of course, have the collected works of Edward Lear (the complete book of nonsense) with the owl and the pussycat inside but i would still like to own a copy of the lgb version just like i had as a tot. If anyone knows where i can begin this search outside of ebay and half.com which dont have it, id love to hear suggestions, and if anyone has a copy they wouldnt mind parting with, i am a poor archaeology student but i will do my best to offer a fair compensation.

Please contact me through email.!

-Donna Yates

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