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I am wondering if anyone remembers a LGB about a turtle in a shoe box? The text says something about "I have a little turtle in shoebox under my bed"....... My husband swears this is a book he remembers from his childhood (he was born in 1965 so I am guessing the book is from around 1970 or so...). I have actually been in an on and off again search for this for about 5 years now. Any direction would be great.

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OMG!! I remember this book and have also been trying to remember the name of it for years. I was born in '66, and my mother read this book to me so often I memorized it at age 3. I let someone borrow the book when I got older, and I never saw it again. I am still crushed about that one. I am just now reading your post and realize you wrote it a couple of years ago, but if you find anything out about this book (or if you already have) please reply to this post with the information. I would be so grateful. Thank you so much for inquiring and letting me know someone else remembers this book as I do. I practically have tears in my eyes.

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OMG!! I remember this book and have also been trying to remember the name of it for years. I was born in '66, and my mother read this book to me so often I memorized it at age 3. I let someone borrow the book when I got older, and I never saw it again. I am still crushed about that one. I am just now reading your post and realize you wrote it a couple of years ago, but if you find anything out about this book (or if you already have) please reply to this post with the information. I would be so grateful. Thank you so much for inquiring and letting me know someone else remembers this book as I do. I practically have tears in my eyes.

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I could be the Whitman book, "I Have A Turtle" . If you search on ebay.com you will see a picture of the cover. A little Boy keeps his turtle in a hat box under his bed.

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

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Registered: 01/27/04
Posts: 165
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Thanks for the response lgbsteve. I checked out the book you mentioned; and, unfortunately, it's not the correct one. Spoke to my mother, who used to read this book to me, and we agreed that the turtle was definitely in a shoebox (not a hat box as I've seen in some books I've found in my search) and that the book is at least 40 years old. Wish I could remember more at this time, but I'll continue my search. Thanks again for your help.

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I was born in 1963, and remember learning the book much prior to school, so maybe about 1966. The turtle was in a hatbox. I have the book somewhere, but the text I still remember quite well. It said: 'I have a turtle... In my mommy's hatbox... Under my bed... In the corner of my room... In my house... With trees all around. And all the animals... And all the people passing by... Will never know, That in my house... In the corner of my room... Under my bed... I have a turtle. -- This may not be 100% accurate, but it is very close.

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Thanks for your response Kind63. I'm now wondering whether we could be talking about two similar books. I feel so sure it was a shoebox. Hmmm. Anyway, I'm anxious to read your post once you find it. BTW, I've been on the search for it at antique shows and flea markets. No luck with this one, but I've found others familiar to me from around that same time (late '60s). Some were called "A First Little Golden Book". Thanks again for your post.

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Kind63's book is the Tiny Tot Book, I have a Turtle.

Steve Santi
Author ofCollecting Little Golden Books & Warman's Children's Books
Collecting Little Golden Books and similiar Children's Books

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Registered: 01/27/04
Posts: 165
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lgbsteve (and all others in this dialogue), you are a Godsend!! I think that's the one! I recognize the cover! Of course, I'm relying on a 3 year old's memory, but seeing it instantly struck a nerve. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! My mother will get almost as big a kick out of this discovery as I have. Thank you so much!!!

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It was the first book I learned to read in Calgary, Alberta in 1967, when I was four years old. It means so much to me that I never forgot it and managed to find it a few months ago.
I could recite it in my sleep!

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