4 posts :: Page 1 of 1
By: Likes:
  (Read 4997 times)  


I would like to ask people what they would like to see on this web site? Planning for some changes and I'm interested in what people would find useful?

Thank you.


By: Likes:

Some things that I think would be interesting or fun would be a weekly or monthly scheduled online chat so that we could talk with each other.
Also I think it would be neat if you maybe highlighted a book a week. Maybe a particularly interesting one or a hard to find one or even just some new ones etc.
I am new here and I love the site so far, I think it is just great!!

By: Likes:

Thank you for your response. The idea of highlighting one book a month is a good idea. Will be putting a plan in place to try to do this.


By: Likes:

has anyone come up with any idea's for the book i'm looking for? And where will I find their answer? Will it be directed to my e-mail address or what? Seems like I'm struggling to grasp the whole concept of what to do and what not to do ectshannon

Registered: 07/13/04
Posts: 3
4 posts :: Page 1 of 1