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  (Read 2694 times)  

I am looking for a golden book that my mom read to me in 1963. I don't remember the title,but I know I was 3 yrs old and I remember the picture on one page and the sentence on that page. I think it was a little boy (not sure tho) and he was in the bathroom getting ready to brush his teeth. The sentence said" And the toothpaste went or (splattered) all over the floor". I hope someone can help me. this is my earliest memory and my mom is passed on now. I remember she read it to me so many times that I memorized the sentence with the picture and everyone thought I was reading at 3 yrs old but of course I wasn't. Thanks Glad to find this site!

By: Likes:

I have the same problem--looking for a Golden book my mom read to me (my guess would be around 1955) so many times I still remember: "Today is the day. Today is the day! Today is the day (Tommy/Timmy???) has been waiting for. Today is the day (Timmy) goes to school." It was titled: (Tommy/Timmy) Goes to School. Even with that much, not remembering the kid's NAME apparently is keeping me from getting any hits on the Internet. And now my granddaughter is going to start Kindergarten in the Fall, and I am becoming William Goldman looking for The Princess Bride to read to his son! Every day (whoever) asks his mother, "is today the day?" And every day his mother answers, "not today." You get the idea. Any suggestions? The only helpful suggestion was this forum! Thanks.

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