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I was very young when I got my first golden books. I don't remember a story OR a title. I just remember that some pages were colored either in shades of red or shades of green. Maybe the other pictures in the book were all black and white. But I LOVED the all-green pictures. Were there some golden books that were colored this way? If there were, could you please tell me the titles? Thanks, Sally Donnaw Thanks.

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The older 42 page books were printed with these colored hues on some pages. It would be hard to give you titles based on your description.

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Registered: 12/17/01
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Well, could it be Up in the Attic? Other old golden books I don't have are- 2.bedtime stories, 4.mother goose, 9.fairy tales, 12.counting rhymes, 35. Happy family, 14. nursery tales, 38.poetry. Could it be one of them? I think I can remember a wagon and other items all in red. ...or children playing in an alley. You know, when you are little, you think everything is about YOUR street, home, and family. I am remembering with the eyes of a child. The red and green hues, to me, looked like those cellophane lollipop wrappers. I hope I'm not beyond help. Thanks.

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